Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rusty gears screams attentions...

Here i am back to blogging again. Gosh these rusty gears screams attention. I deleted all my previous publish post to stop myself from remembering the memories that he and i shared and he's the shits that make me weak. Was loving him a mistake right from the start. Do i still have a place in his heart. I do not know. Where are we heading, how long more is this going to go on. we do not see each other no more we barely talk at all. A mighty love to love it is, and it's a pain that pains to miss. But of all the pains that greatest pain, is to love a love but love in vain.sometimes you just feel tired, you feel weak and when you feel weak you feel like you just want to give up, but you got to search within you and try and find that inner strength to just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter no matter how bad you want to just fall flat on your face.....

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