Friday, November 7, 2008

Sweet little dreams

Sometimes the end is just inevitable. Fate can be cruel too. I am a victim of circumstances and bad timings. Such is the nature of my evolution. It will be on a much later date till i meet my darling again. He is one of the best boyfriend i ever had. I appreciate and cherish the strength of life and the test of time that God had granted and bestowed upon me to continue moulding this challenging and sometimes uber frustrating relationship. But all good things come to those who wait. Great rewards do not come easy. Spending quality time with him for most parts of yesterday was beyond awesome.

In all my life i have never loved someone as much as i loved you. I never thought you would mean so much to me. Despite the brief period of acquaintance, you and i had developed a distinctive bond. It is the quality not the quantity. We clicked almost instantaneously and there were no communication barriers, although sometimes. but We were on the same wavelength. It takes two to tango. Pump in more effort and enthusiasm into our relationship and mark my words the seeds that you sow will blossom to your benefit and advantage. I am a women with few regrets but you were the greatest. Do you know that your name is always in my prayers and your welfare is forever in my thoughts. i miss you so much.

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